
Learn Python (Introduction and Advanced)

Learn Python (Introduction and Advanced)

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
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The eBook covers the following:


[1] Introduction to Python
Overview of the Python language, its history and development
Key features and benefits of Python
How to set up a Python development environment and run basic Python programs.

[2] Data types and variables
Data types that Python supports, such as integers, floats, strings, and Booleans
How to declare and use variables

[3] Operators and expressions
How to use Python's various operators (e.g., arithmetic, comparison, assignment) to perform operations on data and create expressions

[4] Control structures
If-else statements
For loops
While loops
How to Control structures to control the flow of a program

[5] Functions
Concept of functions
How to define and call functions in Python

[6] Modules and libraries
Python's standard library
How to import and use modules and libraries in own programs

[7] Object-oriented programming
Basics of object-oriented programming in Python

Python Advanced

1 Data structures

2 Exception handling: 
How to handle exceptions in Python
How to use try-except statements
How to raise custom exceptions

3 File input/output: 
How to read from and write to files in Python
How to work with different file formats and how to handle errors

4 Working with databases
How to use Python to connect to databases
How to use Python to interact with databases

5 Network programming: 
How to use Python to create networked applications
How to use sockets and other networking libraries with Python

6 Multithreading
Concept of multithreading in Python 
How to create and manage threads in python programs

7 Example Coding

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

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