
Learn all about Django

Learn all about Django

Django is a powerful and popular Python-based web framework used for developing complex web applications quickly and easily. It was created in 2003 by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison while working at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper. Since then, Django has become one of the most widely-used web frameworks, with thousands of developers around the world using it to build high-quality web applications.

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

The book covers the following:

1 Introduction to Django
1.1 What is Django?
1.2 Why use Django?
1.3 Overview of Django features
1.4 Getting started with Django

2 Django Basics
2.1 Creating a Django project
2.2 Understanding the project structure
2.3 Creating a Django app
2.4 Understanding the app structure
2.5 Creating Django views
2.6 Creating Django templates
2.7 Creating Django models

3 Django Forms
3.1 Creating Django forms
3.2 Understanding Django form validation
3.3 Using Django form widgets
3.4 Working with model forms
3.5 Creating custom form fields

4 Django Admin
4.1 Introduction to Django admin
4.2 Creating custom Django admin views
4.3 Adding custom Django admin actions
4.4 Securing the Django admin

5 Django Authentication and Authorization
5.1 Creating Django users and groups
5.2 Using Django authentication views
5.3 Implementing Django permissions
5.4 Creating custom authentication backends

6 Django REST Framework
6.1 Introduction to Django REST framework
6.2 Creating Django REST API views
6.3 Using Django REST serializers
6.4 Creating Django REST permissions
6.5 Securing Django REST APIs

7 Django Deployment
7.1 Preparing for Django deployment
7.2 Deploying Django on a server
7.3 Scaling Django for high traffic

8 Advanced Django Topics
8.1 Implementing caching in Django
8.2 Using Django signals
8.3 Creating custom Django template tags
8.4 Working with Django middleware

9 Best Practices for Django Development
9.1 Writing clean Django code
9.2 Testing Django applications
9.3 Debugging Django applications
9.4 Using version control for Django projects

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

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