
Learn all about Go (GoLang) Programming

Learn all about Go (GoLang) Programming

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
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The eBook covers the following:

1 Introduction to Go Programming
Overview of Go and its history
Advantages and features of Go
Setting up the Go development environment

2 Basics of Go Programming
Installing Go and configuring the workspace
Hello, World! - Writing your first Go program
Understanding Go's syntax and structure
Data types, variables, and constants in Go
Working with operators and expressions

3 Control Flow and Functions
Conditional statements (if, switch)
Looping constructs (for, range)
Functions in Go
Function parameters, return values, and multiple return values
Anonymous functions and closures

4 Arrays, Slices, and Maps
Working with arrays and slices in Go
Creating and manipulating slices
Using built-in functions for slices
Introduction to maps and key-value pairs
Iterating over maps and manipulating map data

5 Structs and Methods
Defining and using structs in Go
Creating methods for structs
Pointer receivers and value receivers
Embedding and composition of structs
Working with interfaces in Go

6 Concurrency in Go
Understanding Goroutines and concurrency
Creating and managing Goroutines
Synchronization with channels
Select statement and Goroutine communication
Best practices for concurrent programming

7 Error Handling and Testing
Error handling techniques in Go
Using panic and recover for exceptional cases
Writing unit tests in Go
Using the testing package and writing testable code
Benchmarking and profiling Go programs

8 File Handling and Networking
Reading from and writing to files
Working with directories and file operations
Networking basics in Go
Creating TCP and UDP clients and servers
Working with HTTP and RESTful APIs in Go

9 Advanced Topics
Reflection and runtime introspection
Understanding the Go memory model
Working with JSON, XML, and other data formats
Working with databases using SQL and NoSQL
Web development in Go with frameworks like Gin or Echo

10 Best Practices and Tips
Writing idiomatic Go code
Code organization and project structure
Performance optimization techniques
Documentation and code comments
Debugging and troubleshooting common issues

11 Building and Deploying Go Applications
Building and packaging Go applications
Cross-compilation for different platforms
Containerization with Docker
Deploying Go applications to cloud platforms
Continuous integration and deployment with Go

12 Go Ecosystem and Resources
Exploring the Go standard library
Popular third-party libraries and frameworks
Useful tools and utilities for Go development
Online resources, forums, and communities
Contributing to the Go open-source community

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

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