
Learn all about Perl

Learn all about Perl

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
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The eBook covers the following:

1 Introduction to Perl
Overview of Perl programming language and its features
History and evolution of Perl
Installation and setup of Perl environment

2 Perl Basics
Syntax and data types in Perl
Variables, operators, and expressions
Input and output operations

3 Control Structures
Conditional statements (if, elsif, else)
Loops (for, foreach, while, until)
Control flow statements (next, last, redo)

4 Scalar and List Operations
Manipulating scalar values (strings, numbers, and special variables)
Working with arrays and list data structures
Array and list operations (slicing, appending, sorting)

5 Regular Expressions
Understanding regular expressions in Perl
Pattern matching and substitution operations
Quantifiers, character classes, and metacharacters

6 Subroutines and Functions
Writing and using subroutines in Perl
Passing arguments to subroutines
Return values and scoping of variables

7 File Handling and Input/Output
Opening, reading, writing, and closing files in Perl
Filehandles and file operations
Processing text files and file manipulation techniques

8 Hashes and Dictionaries
Understanding hashes and associative arrays in Perl
Working with key-value pairs
Hash manipulation and common hash operations

9 Regular Expression Functions and Modules
Exploring Perl's built-in regular expression functions
Working with regular expression modules (e.g., Regexp::Common)
Advanced regular expression techniques and optimizations

10 Object-Oriented Programming in Perl
Introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Perl
Creating classes and objects
Inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation in Perl OOP

11 Error Handling and Exception Handling
Handling errors and exceptions in Perl
Using die, warn, and eval statements
Error reporting and handling best practices

12 Perl Modules and CPAN
Introduction to Perl modules and the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
Installing and using modules from CPAN
Creating and distributing Perl modules

13 Database Connectivity
Interacting with databases using Perl
Connecting to databases (e.g., MySQL, SQLite) using DBI
Querying and manipulating data with Perl and SQL

14 Practical Perl Applications and Projects
Developing practical Perl applications
Case studies and examples of real-world Perl projects
Best practices and tips for Perl programming

15 Perl and Web Development
Overview of Perl's role in web development
CGI programming with Perl
Perl frameworks and web application development

16 Perl and System Administration
Utilizing Perl for system administration tasks
Automation and scripting with Perl in a Unix/Linux environment
Interacting with system resources and APIs

17 Perl Best Practices and Advanced Topics
Advanced Perl concepts (references, closures, etc.)
Best practices for writing clean and maintainable Perl code
Performance optimization and troubleshooting techniques

18 Perl and the Future
Exploring the future of Perl and upcoming language developments
Perl community and resources for continued learning
Trends and potential applications of Perl in emerging technologies

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

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