
Learn all about Ruby on Rails

Learn all about Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails, often simply referred to as Rails, is a popular open-source web application framework written in Ruby. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides developers with a productive and elegant way to build dynamic, database-backed web applications. Rails emphasizes convention over configuration, allowing developers to focus on writing application logic rather than dealing with repetitive setup tasks.

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
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The eBook covers the following:

1. Introduction:
1.1 Ruby on Rails and its history
1.2 Advantages and features of Ruby on Rails

2. Getting Started with Ruby on Rails
2.1 Overview of the Ruby programming language
2.2 Installing Ruby and Rails
2.3 Setting up a development environment
2.4 Creating a new Rails application
2.5 Introduction to the MVC architecture

3. Understanding the Rails Framework
3.1 Deep dive into the Rails directory structure
3.2 Overview of the Rails components: models, views, and controllers
3.3 Working with routes and URLs
3.4 Introduction to ActiveRecord and working with databases

4. Building Models and Database Interactions
4.1 Creating and manipulating database tables
4.2 Defining associations between models
4.3 Querying the database using ActiveRecord
4.4 Implementing validations and callbacks
4.5 Introduction to database migrations

5. Mastering Controllers and Routing
5.1 Working with controllers and actions
5.2 Understanding request and response cycles
5.3 Handling parameters and forms
5.4 Implementing filters and callbacks
5.5 Managing sessions and cookies

6. Crafting Views with Action View
6.1 Introduction to views and templates
6.2 Working with ERB and Haml templating engines
6.3 Building dynamic web pages with embedded Ruby code
6.4 Utilizing layouts and partials
6.5 Styling and asset management with CSS and JavaScript

7. Handling Authentication and Authorization
7.1 Implementing user authentication and registration
7.2 Integrating with popular authentication gems
7.3 Managing user sessions and cookies securely
7.4 Role-based access control and authorization
7.5 Security best practices and preventing common vulnerabilities

8. Building RESTful APIs
8.1 Introduction to APIs and REST principles
8.2 Designing and implementing API endpoints
8.3 Versioning and documentation strategies
8.4 Handling authentication and authorization in APIs
8.5 Testing and securing APIs

9. Testing and Debugging
9.1 Overview of different testing frameworks (RSpec, MiniTest)
9.2 Writing unit tests and integration tests
9.3 Debugging techniques and tools
9.4 Performance testing and optimization
9.5 Test-driven development (TDD) best practices

10. Advanced Topics in Ruby on Rails
10.1 Caching strategies and techniques
10.2 Background processing with Active Job and popular libraries (Sidekiq, Resque)
10.3 Building real-time features with WebSockets (ActionCable)
10.4 Using ActiveStorage for file uploads and cloud storage
10.5 Implementing internationalization (I18n) and localization

11. Deploying and Scaling Rails Applications
11.1 Preparing an application for deployment
11.2 Configuring production environment variables
11.3 Deploying to popular platforms (Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean)
11.4 Scaling strategies and load balancing
11.5 Monitoring and error tracking

The eBook is in PDF format and costs $14.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

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