
260 Multiple Choice Questions with Answers on SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C)

260 Multiple Choice Questions with Answers on SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C)

The eBook comes in PDF format and is priced at $9.99
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The book has 260 multiple choice questions with answers on SAP Cloud for Customer.

Chapter 1: Introduction to SAP C4C covering Overview of SAP C4C, Benefits of using SAP C4C, Comparison with other CRM solutions ñ 30 questions

Chapter 2: Getting Started with SAP C4C covering Setting up your SAP C4C instance, Navigation and basic features of SAP C4C, Configuring your SAP C4C system ñ 30 questions

Chapter 3: Sales and Marketing in SAP C4C covering Overview of Sales and Marketing features in SAP C4C, Lead and Opportunity Management, Sales Quotes and Orders, Marketing Campaigns and Lead Generation ñ 40 questions

Chapter 4: Service Management in SAP C4C covering Overview of Service Management features in SAP C4C, Service Request Management, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Knowledge Management ñ 40 questions

Chapter 5: Analytics and Reporting in SAP C4C covering Overview of Analytics and Reporting features in SAP C4C, Dashboards and Reports, KPIs and Metrics ñ 30 questions

Chapter 6: Integrations with SAP C4C covering Overview of Integrations with SAP C4C, Integrating SAP C4C with other SAP Systems, Integrating SAP C4C with Non-SAP Systems ñ 30 questions

Chapter 7: Advanced Topics in SAP C4C covering Mobile Application Development, Integration with Social Media, Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning ñ 30 questions

Chapter 8: Best Practices and Tips for SAP C4C covering Common Pitfalls and how to avoid them, Best Practices for Configuring and Customizing SAP C4C, Tips and Tricks for using SAP C4C more efficiently ñ 30 questions
The eBook comes in PDF format and is priced at $9.99
Please click here to buy the eBook.

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