
On-Demand Tutoring on Python

On-Demand Tutoring on Python

[1] On-Demand Python Training - Introduction (Covered in Zoom Calls)

Introduction to Python: Covers an overview of the Python language, its history and development, and its key features and benefits, how to set up a Python development environment and run basic Python programs.

Data types and variables: Covers different data types that Python supports, such as integers, floats, strings, and Booleans, and how to declare and use variables.

Operators and expressions: Covers how to use Python's various operators (e.g., arithmetic, comparison, assignment) to perform operations on data and create expressions.

Control structures: Covers control structures in Python, such as if-else statements, for loops, and while loops, and how to use them to control the flow of a program.

Functions: Covers the concept of functions and how to define and call functions in Python.

Modules and libraries: Covers Python's standard library and how to import and use modules and libraries in own programs.

Object-oriented programming: Covers the basics of object-oriented programming in Python, including concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.

The above Python Training - Introduction will be covered in 5 hours of training (at your convenience) on zoom and will cost you $499.

You will be given course material, quizes and exercises which you would need to complete offline (worth 20 hours of your time). This will ensure that you are ready to code in Python independently.

Click here to pay and enroll.

We have a cheaper alternative. Learn Python in 30 days by email (one email per day). Cost is only $9.99

Click here to order the Learn Python by Email Course.

[2] Python Training - Advanced (Covered in Zoom Calls)

Data structures: Covers Python's built-in data structures, such as lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, and how to use them effectively in your programs.

Exception handling: Covers how to handle exceptions in Python, including how to use try-except statements and how to raise custom exceptions.

File input/output: Covers how to read from and write to files in Python, including how to work with different file formats and how to handle errors.

Working with databases: Covers how to use Python to connect to and interact with databases.

Network programming: Covers how to use Python to create networked applications, including how to use sockets and other networking libraries.

Multithreading: Covers the concept of multithreading in Python and how to create and manage threads in python programs.

The above Python Training - Advanced will be covered in 5 hours of training (at your convenience) on zoom and will cost you $499.

You will be given course material, quizes and exercises which you would need to complete offline (worth 20 hours of your time). This will ensure that you are ready to code in Python independently.

Click here to pay and enroll in the Python Advanced Course on Zoom.

We have a cheaper alternative. Learn Python (Advanced) in 30 days by email (one email per day). Cost is only $9.99

Click here to order the Learn Python Advanced by Email Course.

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