
Oracle Cloud ERP Risk management Training - Course Content

Oracle Cloud ERP Risk management Training - Course Content

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and managing risks to minimize their impact on an organization's operations and objectives. In the context of Oracle ERP Cloud, risk management involves identifying potential risks that may arise from the use of the system, assessing their likelihood and potential impact, and developing strategies to manage these risks.

Our Zoom Training on Oracle Cloud ERP Risk management covers the following:

1. Introduction
1.1 Definition of risk management
1.2 Importance of risk management in ERP systems
1.3 Overview of Oracle ERP Cloud

2. Risk Assessment in Oracle ERP Cloud
2.1 Identifying risks in Oracle ERP Cloud
2.2 Categorizing risks by type and impact
2.3 Evaluating the likelihood and severity of risks
2.4 Prioritizing risks for mitigation

3. Risk Mitigation in Oracle ERP Cloud
3.1 Strategies for mitigating risks in Oracle ERP Cloud
3.2 Internal controls and security features in Oracle ERP Cloud
3.3 Configuring security settings to reduce risk
3.4 Monitoring and testing controls for effectiveness

4. Compliance Management in Oracle ERP Cloud
4.1 Regulatory compliance requirements for organizations
4.2 Using Oracle ERP Cloud to ensure compliance
4.3 Configuring compliance controls in Oracle ERP Cloud
4.4 Auditing and reporting on compliance activities

5. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning in Oracle ERP Cloud
5.1 Importance of disaster recovery and business continuity planning
5.2 Using Oracle ERP Cloud to ensure continuity of operations
5.3 Configuring disaster recovery and backup procedures in Oracle ERP Cloud
5.4 Testing and validating disaster recovery and business continuity plans

6. Data Governance and Privacy in Oracle ERP Cloud
6.1 Importance of data governance and privacy in ERP systems
6.2 Configuring data governance policies in Oracle ERP Cloud
6.3 Managing access to sensitive data in Oracle ERP Cloud
6.4 Ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations

7. Integration and Interoperability Risks in Oracle ERP Cloud
7.1 Risks associated with integrating Oracle ERP Cloud with other systems
7.2 Configuring integration and interoperability controls in Oracle ERP Cloud
7.3 Monitoring and testing integrations for effectiveness

8. Emerging Risks and Future Trends in Oracle ERP Cloud
8.1 New and emerging risks in ERP systems
8.2 Future trends in risk management and ERP systems
8.3 Preparing for future risks and challenges

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