
Python Introduction - Course by Email

Python Introduction - Course by Email

This course is by email. You will get 1 email each day for the next 30 days. The cost of the course is $9.99 

You also have the option of buying the Phython Introduction course in the form of an eBOOK.

Please note this is an email only course (or eBook) and there is no option for zoom calls or email exchanges with the instructor. Read the Benefits of learning programming language through daily email lessons.

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The following will be covered.

[1] Introduction to Python
Overview of the Python language, its history and development
Key features and benefits of Python
How to set up a Python development environment and run basic Python programs.

[2] Data types and variables
Data types that Python supports, such as integers, floats, strings, and Booleans
How to declare and use variables

[3] Operators and expressions
How to use Python's various operators (e.g., arithmetic, comparison, assignment) to perform operations on data and create expressions

[4] Control structures
If-else statements
For loops
While loops
How to Control structures to control the flow of a program

[5] Functions
Concept of functions
How to define and call functions in Python

[6] Modules and libraries
Python's standard library
How to import and use modules and libraries in own programs

[7] Object-oriented programming
Basics of object-oriented programming in Python

This course is by email. You will get 1 email each day for the next 30 days. The cost of the course is $9.99 

You also have the option of buying the Phython Introduction course in the form of an eBOOK.

Please note this is an email course (or an eBook) and there is no option for zoom calls with the instructor.

To purchase the Email Course, please click here


Below is your Day 1 Course free for you. This will help you to assess if this course will be useful for you or not.

[1] Python Training - Introduction

Python Overview
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing. Python is known for its simple and easy-to-read syntax, making it an excellent language for beginners to learn. The Python programming language was created by Guido van Rossum and the first version of Python released in the year 1991.

One of the key features of Python is its use of indentation to define code blocks, instead of curly braces or keywords like "begin" and "end". This makes the code more readable and easier to understand. Python also has a large standard library that provides pre-written code for common tasks, such as connecting to a web server or reading and writing files.

Python is often used in web development, thanks to its powerful libraries like Django and Flask. These libraries make it easy to create web applications with Python, handling tasks such as routing and handling forms.

Python is also a popular choice for data analysis, thanks to libraries like Pandas and NumPy. These libraries provide tools for working with large data sets and performing complex calculations. With Python, data scientists can easily manipulate and visualize data, and can also use machine learning libraries like scikit-learn and TensorFlow to build predictive models.

In the field of Artificial Intelligence, Python has a wide range of libraries such as Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch, OpenCV, NLTK and many more. These libraries make it easy to develop AI applications, from computer vision to natural language processing.

Python is also used in scientific computing and engineering, thanks to libraries like SciPy and SymPy. These libraries provide tools for working with mathematical functions, solving differential equations, and performing other advanced calculations.

Python is an interpreted language, which means that code is executed line by line, and does not need to be compiled before running. This makes it easy to test and debug code, and also allows for the use of interactive shells and Jupyter notebooks, which are popular tools for data science and scientific computing.

Automatic memory management is one key feature of Python that sets it apart from other programming languages.

Overall, Python is a versatile and powerful language that is used in a wide range of fields, from web development to data analysis, artificial intelligence to scientific computing. Its simple syntax, large standard library, and wide range of powerful libraries make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike.

Who created the Python programming language?
A. Guido van Rossum
B. Alan Turing
C. Linus Torvalds
D. James Gosling
Answer: A. Guido van Rossum

In which year was the first version of Python released?
A. 1989
B. 1991
C. 1995
D. 2000
Answer: B. 1991

What is the primary design philosophy of Python?
A. Readability
B. Efficiency
C. Compatibility
D. All of the above
Answer: A. Readability

What is one key feature of Python that sets it apart from other programming languages?
A. Strong typing
B. Dynamic binding
C. Automatic memory management
D. All of the above
Answer: C. Automatic memory management

Why is Python commonly used for scientific computing and data analysis?
A. It has a large number of libraries for these purposes
B. It has a simple and easy-to-learn syntax
C. It has good performance and scalability
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

What are the benefits of using Python?
A. Easy-to-read and write code
B. Large community and support
C. Versatility
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

What was the main motivation behind the design of python?
A. Speed
B. Simplicity
C. Compatibility
D. All of the above
Answer: B. Simplicity

What is the primary use case of python?
A. Web Development
B. Machine Learning
C. Game Development
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

How to set up a Python development environment

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used for web development, scientific computing, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. To start developing in Python, you will need to set up a development environment on your computer. This guide will show you how to do that on different operating systems.

Installing Python
The first step in setting up a Python development environment is to install Python itself. There are several ways to do this, but the most recommended is to download the installer from the official website ( or install it using a package manager (such as apt-get on Ubuntu, or brew on macOS).

To check if Python is already installed on your system, open a command prompt or terminal and run the command:
python --version
This will display the version of Python currently installed on your system.

Creating and Managing Virtual Environments
It is recommended to use virtual environments to create isolated Python environments for different projects. This allows you to have different versions of packages and modules installed for different projects without them interfering with each other. Two popular tools for creating and managing virtual environments are virtualenv and Anaconda.

To install virtualenv, run the command
pip install virtualenv

To create a new virtual environment, navigate to the directory where you want to create the environment and run the command:
virtualenv <environment_name>

To activate the virtual environment, run the command:
source <environment_name>/bin/activate

To deactivate the virtual environment, run the command:

Anaconda is a distribution of Python that comes with a built-in package manager and virtual environment manager. It also includes a number of other useful tools for scientific computing and data analysis.

To install Anaconda, download the installer from the official website ( and follow the instructions.
To create a new virtual environment, open the Anaconda prompt and run the command:
conda create --name <environment_name>

To activate the virtual environment, run the command:
conda activate <environment_name>

To deactivate the virtual environment, run the command:
conda deactivate

Choosing a Text Editor or IDE
There are many text editors and IDEs available for Python development, but some of the most popular are PyCharm and Visual Studio Code. Both have excellent support for Python and come with built-in debugging, code completion, and linting features.

PyCharm is a full-featured IDE developed by JetBrains. It has a professional version that is not free, but the community edition is free.

Visual Studio Code is a popular open-source text editor developed by Microsoft. It has a large number of plugins and extensions that can be used to add functionality.

Installing packages
Python has a built-in package manager called pip, which can be used to install and manage packages.

To install a package, open a command prompt or terminal and run the command:
pip install <package_name>

To check the list of installed packages, run the command:
pip list

To upgrade a package, run the command:
pip install --upgrade <package_

What is the recommended way to install Python?
a) Download the installer from the official website
b) Install it using a package manager
c) Download it from a third-party website
d) All of the above
Answer: a) Download the installer from the official website

Which tool is recommended for creating and managing virtual environments?
a) virtualenv
b) Anaconda
c) pip
d) Both a) and b)
Answer: d) Both a) and b)

What are the two most popular text editors or IDEs for Python development?
a) PyCharm and Visual Studio Code
b) Eclipse and Notepad++
c) Atom and Sublime Text
d) None of the above
Answer: a) PyCharm and Visual Studio Code

What is the built-in package manager for Python?
a) virtualenv
b) Anaconda
c) pip
d) None of the above
Answer: c) pip

How can you check the list of installed packages using pip?
a) pip list
b) pip show
c) pip packages
d) None of the above
Answer: a) pip list

How can you upgrade a package using pip?
a) pip upgrade <package_name>
b) pip install --upgrade <package_name>
c) pip update <package_name>
d) None of the above
Answer: b) pip install --upgrade <package_name>

How to run basic Python programs

Python is a widely used programming language that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. In this article, we will go over the basics of how to run Python programs on your computer.

Before you can run a Python program, you need to have Python installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website ( Once the installation is complete, you will have access to the Python interpreter, which allows you to run Python code on your computer.

There are two main ways to run Python programs: through the command line or by using an integrated development environment (IDE).

Command Line:
To run a Python program through the command line, open a terminal or command prompt and type "python" followed by the name of the Python file you want to run. For example, if you have a file called "" in your current directory, you would type "python" and press enter. This will run the code in the "" file using the Python interpreter.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
Another way to run Python programs is by using an IDE, such as PyCharm, Spyder, or IDLE. IDLE is the built-in IDE that comes with Python, while PyCharm and Spyder are third-party options. These IDEs provide a user-friendly interface for writing and running Python code, and often include additional features such as debugging and code completion.

Once you have your Python program ready, you can run it by clicking the run button or by pressing the F5 key.

It is important to note that Python scripts are case-sensitive and require proper indentation in order to run correctly. Be sure to double check your code for any syntax errors or indentation issues before running it.

In addition to running Python programs on your computer, you can also run Python code online using platforms like or Jupyter Notebook. These platforms allow you to write, run, and share Python code in a web-based environment.

In conclusion, running Python programs is a straightforward process that can be done through the command line or using an IDE. With the proper installation and a bit of practice, you'll be able to run Python programs with ease and take advantage of the many benefits that Python has to offer.


What is the command to run a Python file from the command line?
a) python
b) run
c) execute
d) python run
Answer: a) python

What is the built-in IDE that comes with Python?
a) PyCharm
b) Spyder
d) Jupyter
Answer: c) IDLE

How do you run a Python program using an IDE?
a) Type "python" followed by the name of the file
b) Click the run button or press F5
c) Type "run" followed by the name of the file
d) None of the above
Answer: b) Click the run button or press F5

What is the main benefit of using an online platform like or Jupyter Notebook to run Python code?
a) It allows you to write and run Python code in a web-based environment
b) It provides debugging and code completion features
c) It is easier to share your code with others
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

What is the error message that will be displayed if a Python script has improper indentation?
a) SyntaxError
b) IndentationError
c) TypeError
d) NameError
Answer: b) IndentationError

How can you run a specific function within a Python script?
a) Run the script as a whole
b) Call the function by its name in the command line
c) Run the script and specify the function name as an argument
d) Call the function by its name within the script
Answer: d) Call the function by its name within the script

What are the main components of a Python script?
a) Variables, functions, and libraries
b) Functions, loops, and conditionals
c) Variables, loops, and modules
d) Variables, comments, and print statements
Answer: a) Variables, functions, and libraries

What is the purpose of the 'print()' function in Python?
a) To display output to the user
b) To take input from the user
c) To create a new variable
d) To define a function
Answer: a) To display output to the user

What is the difference between running a script in the command line and running it in an IDE?
a) There is no difference in running a script in the command line and running it in an IDE.
b) Running a script in the command line requires more technical knowledge and is less user-friendly.
c) Running a script in an IDE provides additional features such as debugging and code completion.
d) Running a script in the command line is faster than running it in an IDE
Answer: c) Running a script in an IDE provides additional features such as debugging and code completion.

What is the correct file extension for a Python script?
a) .py
b) .txt
c) .java
d) .exe
Answer: a) .py

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